Brushmaking since the 18th Century
Brushmaking since the 18th Century


Hamilton’s rich heritage can be traced back over 250 years when one man established a small brushmaking business in Norwich, the town that was to become the centre for the trade.

Over the years, the company evolved, ownership changed hands and challenges of war made their mark. But thanks to the perseverance of our predecessors as well as developments in materials and processes, our brushes became renown for their quality and durability.

The name you’ll be most familiar with, Hamilton Acorn, was formed in 1990, when Hamiltons of London joined Acorn Decorating Products. Eleven years later, Swedish company Anza, the third largest manufacturer of decorating tools in Europe acquired Hamilton Acorn. As part of Jordan, this acquisition has brought further investment and growth to the company.

In 2012, however, we have gone through further developments. Now re-branded as Hamilton, we’ve undertaken comprehensive research into our customers’ requirements, redeveloping and simplifying our product range in-line with the feedback we’ve received.

Although the name of the business has gone through several changes, our ethos has not. Since the very beginning, there has been a focus on innovation and quality which remains at the heart of the company today as our new range Hamilton For The Trade is launched!

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